Monday, September 8, 2008


i don't think i've ever posted a picture of my tattoo of yarn. i bought the yarn and needles for a reference but now, the scarf i made out of it belongs to someone on the other side of the pond. people don't see the tattoo very often because i rarely raise my arms up but, its one of my favorites.

my roomate had his fashion week/ launch party last night for the retail store he works at. it was pretty fun, open bar until midnight... which of course leads up to the headache i'm suffering from right now.

i'm half way through the 2nd panel of oranigina. it's almost making me slightly insane... lace pattern so i have to be attentive otherwise i'll end up ripping back god knows how long (like i had to with the first panel) but, same pattern 13 times over. then purl, then pattern, then purl... and over/over/over. SO, i decided to distract myself a little and make a cowl to post up in my etsy shop...

well, i'm about 10 rows deep when i notice... the yarn was twisted when i joined the two sides and now i am unable to make it lie down straight. in my current fragile state, i decided to put it down and not start ripping but instead, post a blog in hopes of someone telling me their secret on how to straighten this mess out...


frank is doing well... a 10 wk old puppy cant be expected not to pee all over my entire apartment 10 times everyday and hide little poops behind my roomates bedroom doors, right? i have to have patience and pray that this crate training method i'm doing right now works.

now, if only i can get him to stop crying while he's in there.

must get ready for work!
happy monday.



Kim said...

Try doing a search for "moebius cowl" or shawl on ravelry. I think the twist when joining in the round is the secret to creating a moebius type-garment, so as long as your stitch pattern looks okay on both sides, I'd say keep on knitting!
I love the knitting tattoo, I've always wanted to get one as well.

andrea said...

Yeah, you'll end up with a mobius if you keep knitting, but they can look cool also. If you don't want a mobius, you can rip back to the cast-on row and just make sure all the stitches are facing the same way.

BTW, we are ravelry friends and I just started my own little blog! I have you linked on there if that's ok. :D

Rima said...

Woow. You have a yarn tattoo! How cool is that! Really nice...

tara-lynn / good night, day said...

ohhh i love the knitting tattoo, i've thought about getting knits on my knuckles, but...well i have to cover excessively for my job now, i guess i'd then be outta a job?!

i'm afraid to say it but ripping git out is what i would do, but yah do it laterish...

Team Knit said...

wow, that's one of the best knitting tattoos I've ever seen- really impressive!

- Julie

craftivore said...

Nice ink. I love that the yarn has been cast on. Have you seen Kim's recent tattoo?

Rachel said...

best yaran tattoo ever! (mrsrayray from ravelry)