Sunday, February 15, 2009


Things on etsy have been selling pretty good, I'm rather excited about it. What I am not excited about is, I bought a dress for my birthday that cost a pretty penny... In my shopping I found another dress in a similar color and almost identical style to said expensive dress for 98% less than I bought the birthday dress for. arg.

I am on a cleaning frenzie before I have to work tonight but, I figured why not throw up some pictures of Frank doing things he's not supposed to be doing like eating my yarn :

But, then again he does things like this (he needs his face hair trimmed as he cannot see me as well as I can see him) :

And, finally... Progress on le scarf. Almost there ! :

Long work week ahead of me. I'm tired already!



Grace said...

OOoooo! Are you working fashion week? That would be fun work!

Reckless Glue said...

I heart Frank's adorable fuzzy face so FREAKIN' much!

Team Knit said...

ooh, that's so frustrating about your birthday dress! I guess you can't return the expensive one?

Frank is such a cutie! Mt kittens are yarn monsters too.

- Julie

andrea said...

I wanna see the bday dress! Email me your address so I can send you some presentssss.